Quickbooks Online Invoice Integration

TaskBill can copy invoices made in TaskBill to a QuickBooks Online invoice. 

The first step in using QuickBooks Online with TaskBill is connecting your QuickBooks Online account. This is done by going to Settings->Connected Accounts from the primary account owner's TaskBill account. Next, click on Connect your QuickBooks Online Account and follow the steps to authenticate. 

Next, you need to choose a client to create an invoice for by going to Clients->Clicking on a Client.

Make sure the client's email address you have entered in TaskBill matches the client's primary email address in QuickBooks online. You can check this by clicking on Edit Client. If you haven't entered this customer into QuickBooks Online yet, TaskBill will automatically create a new client in QuickBooks with the information you have entered here when you copy the invoice.

Next, click on Invoices, and then the New Invoice button.

Select the uninvoiced items you would like to include on the invoice and select the correct QuickBooks Service Item and Tax Code for each line item. When you have everything correct on the invoice, click continue.

To copy the invoice to QuickBooks, click the Publish Invoice & Copy To QuickBooks button. This will mark the invoice as unpaid in TaskBill and create the invoice in QuickBooks, the invoice will not be sent to your customer until you send it via QuickBooks.

If invoice was successfully copied to QuickBooks, you will see the message below, you can use the View QuickBooks Invoice button to view the invoice in QuickBooks and send it to your client from QuickBooks. If you get an error message, please contact us at support@taskbill.io to check on the status of your invoice sync.

When you mark the invoice as paid in QuickBooks, it will send a notice back to TaskBill to record this invoice/payment in TaskBill and change the invoice status to Paid.

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